Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Twenty Twelve and the universe...

The year of the dragon... it's going to be a great year, it's taken off with a raring, positive, exciting start! I have just settled Master 5 1/2 back into school, a new classroom and a few new friends to boot and Master 4 is venturing into a new journey in the land of Kindergarten. 

I am still on Uni holidays and i have loved nothing more than to spend the past 6 weeks soaking up the love, laughter and happiness that is my children and adoring partner (when he's been home from working away). I am so lucky to still have another 4 weeks up my sleeve to get back into routine, get organised for Uni, clock up some much needed hours with special friends and spend some time in the gym continuing to work at the ongoing transformation of my fitness, health and positively glowing outlook on life.

I'm going to take a step back for a few moment and reflect on the mere passing thoughts in my fast flowing mind that was this blog. I embarked on this blogging journey to find a more positive, insightful and peaceful side of myself and to be honest, it is going to be a long lasting, continuous road but, right now at the beginning of what i feel is going to be a prosperous year (in more ways than one), i am feeling i am a true representation of what this blog is aiming to achieve AND it feels amazing!!

Until next time....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Done and dusted for yet another year...

Christmas, New Year, the silly season i mean.... so much build up and then bam it's gone again. Ours was awesome though, seeing the boys faces light up and all that - makes me feel gooey inside. Best part of our silly season was the week we spend at the river after Christmas. We couldn't have asked for better weather, better behaved children or better company... it was bliss. The boys swam, ate, played, relaxed, slept and everything in between, they were just perfect. It made our holiday every bit more relaxing to know they were happy and content. 

New Years Eve was spent on the lawn by the river with friends and family, nibbles, a few quiet drinks and music. I couldn't have asked for a better way to bring in the new year.

Now we are home and falling back into what is every day life, except we are all still on holidays, Mr 5 on school holidays, Mr 4 (YES, he's 4 now, just yesterday actually - i can't believe it!!!) eagerly anticipating Kindy once the holidays are over and me on Uni holidays, able to lap up every little bit of my mini dudes and enjoy them before the craziness all begins again.

So, for now, i am going to enjoy all the free time and read some books i've borrowed from the library, cuddle my boys, snuggle up and watch movies with the, enjoy the sunshine and love life!

Love life, love the people in your life. Live how you want never give up on your dreams they are all you got. Garett Nickleson.