Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Im happy.

It seems life is going just how i want it to right now and even better im happy. My Uni holidays are coming to an end (4 days to go and counting) and i've enjoyed nothing more than to have a taste of and remember what it used to be like being a stay at home mum, and i would be lying if i said i didn't miss it but on the flip side im strangely looking forward to getting back into the routine, challenge and craziness that the University life brings.

The boys have been sick once each over the past few months and it's been awesome to spend some one on one time with each of them while the other was at child care, it's not something i've had much time to do since Kyan came along almost exactly 18mths after Izaak. Today was one of the rare days i've had to spend some one on one time with my eldest little dude and it was quiet but humbling all at the same time, it was bliss and what made it even more special was when this afternoon, we both lied down on my bed and read our books, just lying quietly next to each other not saying a word, that was until the Mr got  bored and started giving me snuggles and telling me he loved me and then he loved me SO much - melted my heart. These boys are so special, i love them with every tiny molecule of my being...

When im feeling organised and in control im so much happier, calmer and a lot more patient and reasonable. This is how i am feeling right now, even with the first semester of my 2nd year of Uni looming... i have my work books, new pens, plans to get my textbooks and car parking first day back and hope to head down to Uni on Friday to get my new Student ID card (with 2 boisterous young boys in tow im not sure how successful i will be but we'll see).

I have a relatively easy meal plan for each night next week which i created on purpose and i've accidentally filled my freezer with delicious healthy leftovers - sweet and spicy chicken fried rice with brown rice, spaghetti bol' meat with lentils added to make a shepherds pie (i'll just add a few more veggies), a sausage and veggie casserole AND leftovers from tonight's meal of what is essentially homemade baked beans - smokey chilli beans! 

I am ready, so ready to do this! I can't wait to see what this year brings... so until next time, i'll leave you with this positive, inspiring passage about success that i love (and im sure next time i blog it will be coming from a lot less calm me LOL, well im hoping i don't get too stressed too quickly):

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." 

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

So it seems im not very good...

at this blogging business. It's been a month since i last blogged hmmmmmmmmmm...

So one thing that i've been thinking about a lot lately and reassessing constantly is my choice in how and what i choose to feed my family. I try my hardest to buy locally grown, in season and fresh produce. Im getting there slowly, we buy meat from the local country butcher who purchases their produce locally, along with biodynamic/organic milk and yoghurt which is made locally and although there is not always time we try to go to the local farmers market often.

I love the feeling of know im feeding my family the best and freshest produce i can :) although i must admit it's not always budget friendly - this is my dilemma! I love cooking, i think i will start blogging some of my cooking adventures... this a one step closer the the positivity i speak of in the name of my blog - cooking is an outlet, which then means im feeling positive.

Until next time... which hopefully won't be so few and far between!