So, tonight while the boys were playing quietly in their room after dinner and a bath before bed time, i caught the beginning of A Current Affair, a program i haven't watched, well probably since i left home when my parents used to watch it about 7 years ago! It was one of those live broadcast shows with a heartfelt story about a struggling family, only i didn't realize until i stopped flitting around tidying up to watch it, that it would strike such a chord with me...
I found myself with my butt perched on the lounge, eyes glued to the television (something i rarely do these days, im usually head down bum up face burried into a Nursing text book) and in no time, bawling my eyes out while tuning into this amazing story about a young families heartbreak. A young family, living in a debilitated house with a mother that is battling a terminal brain tumor and not being able to 'breathe' at the thought of her husband and 3 young boys living in such a shamble when she goes. Her last wish was to have a house in which she could happily leave this earth, knowing her husband and children would be safe and comfortable living in... i could not stop the tears, the thought of leaving your children behind and not being able to see them grow into teenagers and then adults is gut wrenching and a thought that has brought me to tears whilst putting myself in that situation one too many times.
It was after seeing this story that i began to think of all the little things i have been whinging about the past few weeks and the fact that my (not so) darling boys have been driving me absolutely batty, do not matter so much in the scheme of things. I should be enjoying life and what it is offering, rather than dwelling on minute aspects that are not important AND loving my boys with my entire being, not sweating the small stuff like the fact that they continue to empty the dogs water bowl (after me asking them not to a million times and then making them come inside because they are not listening) into their trucks and trailers to 'dump' on the grass... wet pants and shoes are no biggie when your looking at the bigger picture.
Right here and now, after sharing such an intimate emotional moment with a family i don't even know, i am starting fresh... no more worrying about the insignificant harmless acts my boys explore or crumbs on the floor, or spilled juice or breakfast, it's time to enjoy life and look forward to what tomorrow brings rather than dwelling on yesterdays antics.
If I had my life to live over, I would perhaps have more actual troubles but I'd have fewer imaginary ones. ~Don Herold